Sunday, October 31, 2010


my blog is kinda broken. so i'm going to make a new blog. so long people~~~

Friday, October 29, 2010

にくむ ものは わたしを ゆうめいにする

*todays activity is crossing something that doesnt involve other's business*

Diagram. 1.8:


LOL. somebody thinks that i was talking about her. well technically, yes because she was involved but i didnt say it personally.yeah. btw sissy missy kiss, i wasnt talking about you. and PLEASE! i would never give a nickname for you. you know why? because i know your nature of 'reporting' with that big mouth of yours. so i wouldnt take the risk of ruining our family's relationship. but you NEVER think about that do you? but i do. i care.

i kinda get the hint that you dislike me from...hell i dont know when. and i maybe the stalker type of person that go through others' blog just to "gather information" but for you and the other kids from STGay(yes, i like that name very much.), i dont give a shit! because all of you people are the same.

oh. this is so off the purpose why i posted this. okay. the reason is. to state something. here i go

like i stated just now, i wont give you nicknames. that rapist to me is either: mas, fhazlin or my personal favourite, amira syahirah. but i dont have any problem with them. i'm just embarassed+annoyed with people who do something eye-catching in public. so, lets cross that rapist out.

Diagram 1.826372637163

2. i clearly said there "HellOfABitchProject" right? why the hell did you think i was talking about you? do you know what is a hell of a bitch project is? obviously no. it comes from the name Hello! Project which is another thing that you don't know. ハロー!プロジェクト (Haro! Purojekuto) which is a company built by Tsunku, a vocalist from bla3 i dont care he looks more gayish than johnny and more about this bitch company!_Project. the reason i call them hellofabitch is because i HATE them. they're have squeaky voice and trying so hard to act cute that it is a fail. well. even though i said that i still download one or two of their songs to bad mouth them more. here is an example:

that video is helarious even though i watch it millions of times. backt o my explaination. why do i say that their singing are better than yours? well. they're singers, they were chosen among hundreds of other people who sent their applications and they were trained to sing. honestly get real. if you posted a song you sang on youtube and named it "THIS IS WAAAAY BETTER THAN HELLO PROJECTS", you're making a fool out or yourself. so I DIDN'T CALL YOU A BITCH,'BITCH'. you just said that i did so you can say something bad towards me back. typical.

now, we cross the bitch part and the part that i gave you names

Diagram 3.14159265: the π

then you said you want to 'maki hamun' me...moving one. oh here it is. like, duhhh. ofcourse the actual word is 'excuse me' or the sentence i always like to use "maaf maaf, saya lalu". what? do you think we should say "mak cik! pisang goreng seringgit!" or what? yeah. i know i'm polite. tell me something that i dont know. i know who i am. i like bragging about myself because nobody bother to compliment me because im ugly. i know who i am. i know my place. even facebook said im ugly.

Diagram 2381983918931893.0: The ugly facebooker

as the way i remembered, since when did i said that to you again? the word "celake" or "stupid" are special for the guys if i'm annoyed with them. i can tolerate with girls.and the brain cells who works for my long term memory giving a message to me that i only say "move your ass" to this one girl. and im sure its not you because its a normal students uniform. don't blame me she was being loud and talking nonsense infront the van's door at that crowded little road.

i, who was so damn excited for no reason, just say what came cross my mind. then i said it, "move your ass" but i think its better than what i was really going to say which is "move your f*ucked up asses out from my ugly face". i got it from livejournal but......


wow. seriously you just found out that i was 'cacat'? not only that i am 'cacat', i also have mental disorder. so when people see me kicking tables and chairs, that means i am my illness is acting up. and another thing, SAYA BANGGA SAYA CACAT. why? because it gives me individuality. individuality is unique. unique is awesome. awesomeness is psychic. you're just jealous you're not a psychic like me ;p

wait a sec! the 'long term memor-ians' are giving me a call. *uhuh...oh...mmm. ah sou?* they said that the moment i said 'move your ass', someone was passing by from the other way. the unlucky is no other than.....ZAIM. no wonder youre taking this as a big thing. but one thing is clear here, I DID NOT SAY 'MOVE YOUR ASS' TO YOU AND ITS NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS so, lets cross again.

alright. now lets bring my sarcasm side to explain for this one. *start* awww, really? i weally weally did that? opss, sowwie~ it wasnt on purpose. you know who i am no you dont. 난 바빠(i'm busy) babe. yeah right. that was just a shitty lie *is there such a word as shitty lie? hell i dont care*. i like to ignore people when i'm walking because i dont wanna make a roadblock and i wont do something that i hate. its stupid.

for instance: you hate ice-cream because it makes you eyelashes looks like a mop that just clean dog shits but you still eat it.

how stupid is that? other than that, maybe i was PMS-ing*you know how girls are* or maybe i was in ❤ ♪♫•*¨AmeLda WorLd¨*•♫♪❤. wow. fancy. do you want to know what ❤ ♪♫•*¨AmeLda WorLd¨*•♫♪❤ is? dont answer, this is my blog. ❤ ♪♫•*¨AmeLda WorLd¨*•♫♪❤ *teehee* is a magical, magical world filled with rainbows, smily talking animals and plants, cotton candy clouds, milky river and more! this world controlled by a king named Xion with his naive and not-so-innocent wife, Rei. i'll make a post about ❤ ♪♫•*¨AmeLda WorLd¨*•♫♪❤ later. so i was busy having fun with AmeLdianS. nothing wrong with that. again, lets cross!!

wow. i can't wait to see the result of our cross thingy. i bet this is a masterpiece. and syah said i can't edit a picture! *and i still cant*. so your friends showed their middle finger at me? only that? seriously?!! i feel like laughing again but i wont. girl, its just a finger. a middle finger that doesnt inflict anything on me even though you show it for 99 times.

seriously. if showing a middle finger can kill somebody, i'll stand infront of a mirror, showing my middle finger while mouthing 'f*uck you'. again, its just a finger! its not like they show their naked tusshie butts or something. not very amusing. and showing your butts off still doesnt inflict anything on me.

you pitied me. how nice. lets move. Oh-My-G-Dragon! did i said bad things about you? no, but you were involved in it. so, its a no.

and did i do anything to your friend? i dont remember any except two. 1. on the mosque, i said something incoherent that i dont even remember saying but i'm sure the grammar was a fail. but hey. i was mad. who wouldnt??! no, it doesnt involve my butt. that lala friend of yours feet is in my sujud-ing area! WHAT THE FUCK????!!!! and she was talking damn loud that i cant recite my 'surah sunat' properly that i have to recite Al-Fatihah only not to mention faster! i was like: yo bitch dont you know how to respect a person who was praying?!!! if middle finger have such killing powers, damn i'll show it to her. the second one was, i dont know which one was on my class' line and talking. arent your class better then mine? then, go stand in your own line! urgh. its like going to a new classmate's house and uses it like your own home.

alhamdulillah, thank Allah. okay next, since when am i your friend again? i though you always acted like i'm you rival or something. we're only friends when we were neighbours. after you moved away, we dont interact much. we're just plain schoolmates asking about studies etc. so i'm not really your friend. you forgive my sins? thanks~~~ so sweet. its better that asking god to hold my apology towards others during akhirat. oh on this one, i'm not your friend, so.....LETS CROSS!!!

LOLOLOLOLOL. i really enjoyed editing this. it gives me purpose to laugh. after all of those things i crossed out, you actually said to me was:

"Dah lama dah aku sabar tengok perangai bidak ni. MANA ADA RASA NAK MAKI HAMUN BUDAK TU :D Haha. Nak je wea aku sepak budak ni. Kawan-kawan aku poun siap tunjuk middle finger kat dia cos sakit hati tengok perangai dia. Kesian :'> aku pun nak cakap something ;) ALHAMDULILLAH. Aku maafkan semua dosa kau. Semoga Allah bagi balasan yang setimpal."

it really makes you look like the bad guy here, but you are. i didnt even do anything to you but youre the only one who fired up over something stupid. it really gives out the hint that youre REALLY REALLY hate/dont like me. i really dont care.

i didnt even read your blog, someone gave the link to me. i only read FANFICS. oh please. i dont give a shit about your life. youre the one who like to get involve with me even though we're not even friends. how pathetic.

and ALLAH DOES NOT APPROVE OF YOUR PRAY TO GIVE SUCH WISH TOWARDS ME. why? it because HE knows i didnt do anything to you, youre not being 'aniaya' *i dont knnow that word in english* by me and i didnt sell bad stories about you to others. the reason why i didnt do that is simple. I HATE NOTHING AGAINST YOU. but it looks like you have some against me. NONE OF MY BUSINESS! and girl, the person who wish for others' downfall are people who have some dirt in their soul. so, instead of praying for that, how about you pray something like "Ya Allah ya tuhanku, ku bukakanlah pintu hati ku. kau terangkanlah hatiku. kau sucikanlah diriku dari sikap-sikap *sikap yang kau tak mahu*" isnt that better?

moreover, THIS IS MY STINKING BLOG! i can say what i want because IT IS MINE. i didnt bad mouthed your blog or any of your posts in mine but why did you did it to me. its MY DAMN BUSINESS. stop nosing your way in mine when you already have a handfull of your own. i ahte nosy people. they like to sell stories. pfft. so pathetic. this message is special for you if you hate me.

so like that asian with the american accent said, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY PAGE.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Tulis karangan yang menarik berdasarkan permulaan cerita yang berikut.

Hatiku berdebar - debar. Tanganku terketar – ketar ketika menyerahkan surat itu kepada orang tersayang. Wajahnya tiba – tiba berubah dengan serta - merta. Aku semakin takut. Bila – bila masa sahaja dia akan mula mengatakan bahawa ini semua ini adalah salah satu permainan yang aku sering lakukan untuk mendapat perhatiannya. Tetapi malangnya buat pertama kali, aku serius dalam kata – kataku. Ibu tidak dapat menerima kenyataan ini. Semua ini bagaikan satu mimpi. Ibu jatuh melutut di lantai, sebelah tangannya memegang sisi meja di ruang tamu manakala sebelah lagi memegang keputusan ujian-ujian yang aku jalani pada petang tadi dan juga imbasan CAT(Computerized Axial Tomography) yang mengatakan bahawa aku menghidapi barah otak dan aku kini berada dalam tahap 2. Ibu tidak berkata apa-apa dan cuma bangun, terus menuju ke bilik. Aku dapat mendengar keisakkan tangis ibu sewaktu aku melewati biliknya menuju ke bilikku sendiri.

Tiba sahaja di dalam bilik, aku terus baring di atas katil dan merenung ke siling bilikku. Aku tidak begitu risau tentang kesihatanku sendiri. Sejak kawan baikku membunuh diri sebulan yang lalu kerana terlalu stres sering dipaksa untuk belajar dan menghadiri pelbagai kelas tambahan, aku semakin sunyi. Aku tidak mempunyai kawan yang ramai. Di sekolahku, setiap pelajar merupakan musuh sesama sendiri. Selama 2 tahun aku ke kelas bersendirian, akhirnya ada juga seorang murid yang rela untuk berkawan denganku tanpa menganggapku sebagai musuhnya sendiri tetapi akhirnya membunuh diri kerana stres. Aku terasa menyesal mempunyai kawan yang sebodoh itu untuk membunuh diri hanya kerana stres. Manusia sememangnya ego. Hanya memikirkan diri sendiri. Mereka tidak memikirkan tentang kehidupan kanak-kanak yang tidak bertuah yang tidak mempunyai wang yang cukup untuk membeli makanan untuk mereka hidup. Aku teringat kata – kata ustazah sekolah rendahku dahulu, “Jangan fikir tentang diri kita yang malang, tetapi fikir tentang orang – orang yang lebih malang daripada kita”. Betul kata ustazahku itu, tetapi mengapa kawanku yang dungu itu tidak berfikir seperti itu juga? Kurang didikan agama agaknya. Kasihan… Tentang keluargaku, aku merupakan anak tunggal yang dibesarkan oleh ibuku. Abah jarang pulang ke rumah kerana terlalu sibuk dengan urusan kerjanya. Tentangku pula, aku merupakan seorang yang sederhana, datang dari keluarga yang sederhana, mempunyai keputusan peperiksaan yang sederhana dan kehidupan harianku mungkin sama seperti rakan-rakan seperjuanganku yang lain. Tetapi nampaknya mulai hari ini, hidupku akan mula diwarnai dengan warna-warna yang baru sementara aku cuba untuk menjalani saat-saat terakhir hidupku dengan baik. Ceh, ayat itu aku petik dari salah satu drama. Agak selekeh apabila aku cuba meniru ayat tersebut.

Fikiran panjangku diganggu oleh lagu Campus Life ~ Umarete Kite Yokatta ~ (キャンパスライフ~生まれて来てよかった~) nyanyian kumpulan ºC-ute. Ahli - ahli kumpulan tersebut tidaklah terlalu comel untuk dilabel “cute”. mungkin syarikat hiburannya, Hello! Project tidak mempunyai nama lain selain nama itu dan mahu ahli-ahli kumpulan tersebut fikir diri mereka comel atau pun dalam bahasa pasar, “budget comel”. Lagunya amat menjengkelkan sehingga aku rasa seperti ingin menyembelih membunuh seekor cicak setiap kali suara - suara bernada tinggi itu berkumandang. Suara ahli - ahli kumpulan itu seakan - akan mereka tertelan satu tong gas helium semasa mereka sedang bernyanyi. Sesungguhnya, aku tidak tahu bagaimana dalam kebanyakan lagu pop Jepun dan Korea di dalam telefon bimbitku, aku telah memilih lagu tersebut sebagai nada dering mesejku sendiri. Sebelum aku sempat membuka mesej itu, sekali lagi lagu itu dimainkan, menandakan ada lagi satu mesej dihantar kepadaku. Tanpa berfikir panjang, aku menghempas telefon bimbitku ke dinding.
Setelah aku menyedari perbuatanku seketika tadi, aku menuju ke arah di mana aku melemparkan telefon tersebut. Aku mendesah lega apabila aku melihat telefon bimbitku tidak apa-apa. Oh Encik Asus p527, aku berbangga membeli telefon bimbit yang tabah seperti kamu! Tidak sia – sia aku membuang telefon Sony Ericson w910 di dalam tandas dengan sengaja pada bulan Jun lepas.

Tiba – tiba aku berasa letih setelah berlari – lari anak sejauh 10 kaki tidak lama yang lalu. Aku mengambil keputusan untuk duduk bersila di atas lantai yang keras dan juga sejuk itu sambil membaca mesej yang membuat aku melempar ‘sahabat baik’ aku tadi. Mesej itu dari +60173792064 yang aku tidak kenal dan tidak mahu kenal langsung. Mesejnya ialah : “17/10/10@03:03AM, +60177887611 was topped up with RM10. Ref No:1141827230”. Apabila aku melihat perkataan “topped up” dan “RM10”, sepantas kilat aku memeriksa baki kreditku. “Baki: 0.44, Tarikh Luput: 07.01.2014, SMS Bonus: 0”. Cis, aku tertipu. Aku berjanji kepada diriku bahawa aku akan kenakan manusia yang menghantar mesej itu kepadaku tadi suatu hari nanti. Dengan perasaan hampa, aku membuka mesej yang kedua. Mesej itu dari “Encik Mangga a.k.a Abang Daniel Adam : Esok tak perlu ke sekolah. Jumpa di hospital petang tadi pada pukul 10 pagi. Kita buat imbasan otak sekali lagi. Jika nasib menyebelahi kita, kita boleh buat pembedahan dan awak akan ada peluang untuk sembuh. Jangan putus asa!”. Aku melompat kegembiraan apabila tahu aku tidak perlu kesekolah esok tetapi aku hampir terlupa bahawa aku sedang menghidapi barah otak. Ah, biarlah. Tidak bermaksud jika kita mempunyai penyakit kita tidak boleh melompat seperti katak minta hujan. Bercakap tentang hujan, melalui tingkap bilikku, aku boleh melihat langit malam yang gelap tanpa sinaran bulan bintang dan tanah di halaman rumahku semakin basah dengan gerimis. Kegelapan malam itu membuatkan aku curiga tentang masa dan terus melihat jam di telefon bimbitku yang menyatakan ia sudah pukul 3.15 pagi. Wah, si Daniel itu cukup arif dalam memilih masa untuk menghantar mesej yang penting begitu. Daniel ialah sepupu aku dan dia juga merupakan doktor yang telah membuat pemeriksaan dan merupakan orang yang menghantar aku pulang ke rumah dan menyerahkan keputusan ujian – ujian CAT aku kepada ibu. Aku menetapkan jam loceng aku supaya aku tidak lambat ke hospital esok hari. Aku bangkit dari lantai, menuju ke katil dan menyeliputi badanku dengan selimut tebal bergambarkan bendera Englandku. Tanpa aku sedari, aku sudah terlelap.

Aku terbangun lebih awal daripada masa yang aku tetapkan pada jam loceng tetapi aku masih terbaring di bawah selimut menunggu deringan jam loceng itu memecahkan kesunyian pagi ini. Tidak lama selepas itu, jam locengku berbunyi. Aku turun dari katil untuk ke bilik mandi dan bersiap ke hospital seperti yang dijanjikan oleh aku dan Daniel malam tadi. Aku ke dapur untuk mencari sesuatu yang mengenyangkan tetapi sesuatu di meja makan membuatkan aku terhenti. Aku berjalan ke meja makan dan nampak sarapan berserta nota kecil di bawah cawanku. Ini tulisan ibu. Ia menyatakan bahawa ibu akan ke luar negeri selama beberapa minggu dan ibu telah ke sekolahku dan menyerahkan surat cuti dua bulan kepada guru kelasku. Aku melihat di belakang nota kecil itu dan nampak “Ibu minta maaf ibu tidak boleh bersama kamu ketika ini. Jaga diri. Jangan menyusahkan sepupu kamu.” Hmmm, jadi ibu dapat tahu aku mahu pergi menjalani imbasan sekali lagi, ya? Aku menghabiskan sarapan aku, memakai kasut, pastikan rumahku berkunci dan mula berjalan ke hospital. Tiba di hospital, aku ternampak sepupuku di pintu sambil melihat jam tangannya. Apabila aku tiba di sisinya, kami terus masuk ke bangunan hospital itu. Aku mengikut sepupuku dari belakangnya dan dia membawa aku ke pejabatnya dan aku boleh melihat keputusan imbasan CATku dari jauh. “Sila duduk,” katanya dan aku duduk di kerusi yang berdekatan dengan mejanya. Sepupuku mula menerangkan tentang tumorku “ini diambil semasa imbasan CAT kamu, tompok hitam di sini ialah tumor kamu. Kita beruntung sangat sebab ia cuma tumor yang besar dan bukan kecil tetapi berada di merata – rata otak kamu. Kalau boleh, kita tidak mahu kamu menjalani pembedahan kerana tumor kamu terletak di bahagian otak kamu yang sensitif. Kita boleh menjalani pembedahan dan saya boleh membuang tumor itu denga mudah tetapi malangnya ia kedalamannya luar dari jangkaan saya. Jika saya tersilap langkah, kesannya terhadap otak kamu amat besar. Ah lagi satu, barah awak dinamakan Medulloblastoma yang terletak di cerebellum jadi ia agak rumit.”

Aku cuma berdiam diri semasa sepupuku menerangkan lagi tentang tumor dan kesan – kesannya dalam kehidupan seharian dengan lebih terperinci. Aku ingin bersuara dan berkata ‘Aku tidak mahu sembuh’ tetapi aku tahu dia akan marah dan mula berleter jadi aku cuma senyap. “Kamu akan menjalani rawatan 5 kali seminggu termasuk juga hari – hari minggu dan kita akan teruskan rawatan ini kira – kira 5 ke 7 minggu. Tempoh rawatan akan dipanjangkan jika tumor kamu semakin serius. Setiap rawatan mengambil masa dalam 90 minit. Saya yakin 82% bahawa kamu ada peluang untuk hidup dengan normal selepas ini. Baiklah, hari ini kamu boleh mula menjalani rawatan kamu.” Aku telah bersiap – siap untuk rawatan pertama aku. Aku melangkah masuk bilik pemeriksaan dan seperti yang sepupuku kata sebelum ini, ia mengambil masa dalam 90 minit. Walaupun aku hanya terbaring semasa sepupuku bersama beberapa orang jururawat menjalani rawatan itu, aku amat letih. Apabila aku terjaga dari tidurku sewaktu rawatan itu, aku mendapati bahawa aku berada di dalam salah satu bilik di dalam hospital itu. Aku ternampak sehelai kertas kuning terlekat di cawan berdekatan denganku. Sepupuku memberitahu aku bahawa aku perlu pulang ke rumah dan kemaskan pakaian aku kerana supaya aku tidak perlu berulang – alik dari rumah ke hospital hari – hari untuk menjalani rawatan. Aku melihat sekelilingku dan ternampak pakaian ku berada di atas sofa di dalam bilik itu. Aku cuba untuk berdiri dan kepalaku seakan – akan berputar seketika. Aku menukar pakaianku dan menuju keluar hospital. Sebelum pulang ke rumah, aku terasa seperti ingin makan aiskrim. Aku berjalan ke mana – mana kedai yang menjual aiskrim dan membeli aiskrim berperisa coklat. Aiskrim tersebut habis dimakan oleh aku sebelum aku sampai di rumah. Ketika aku hendak melintas jalan yang memisahkan antara jalan menuju ke rumahku dan taman permainan tempat aku bermain sewaktu aku di sekolah rendah, aku ternampak 3 orang kanak – kanak sedang bermain bola di tengah – tengah jalan dari jauh. Aku tidak menghiraukan mereka tetapi aku masih tidak berganjak dari tempat aku berdiri. Aku berasa seakan sesuatu akan terjadi selepas ini.

Kemudian bola sepak kanak – kanak itu bergolek ke arahku. Aku baru sahaja hendak menyepak bola tersebut ke arah seorang budak perempuan yang sedang berlari untuk mengambil bola itu tetapi sesuatu menangkap perhatian aku. Aku ternampak sebuah lori yang laju menuju ke arah budak perempuan yang sedang berlari di tengah jalan itu. Kakiku kaku dan lidah ku terkelu. Aku ingin memberi amaran kepada budak tersebut namun tiada suara yang keluar. Aku memaksa kakiku unutk berlari ke arah budak tersebut dan aku menolaknya jauh dari jalan raya itu. Tanpa aku sedari, lori tersebut dalam 5 meter jauh dariku dan apa yang aku ingat hanyalah bunyik hon yang panjang sebagai tanda amaran. Aku tidak dapat merasa apa – apa dan selepas itu, aku tidak sedar. Aku seakan tidak percaya kini aku sudah mati. Punca kematianku adalah kehilangan darah dan barahku hanya membuat peluang aku untuk hidup tipis. Aku sudah mati dan aku masih tidak kisah. Ia seakan – akan aku tidak kehilangan apa – apa walaupun apa yang aku hilang sewaktu kemalangan itu ialah nyawa aku sendiri. Walaubagaimanapun, aku masih berbangga dengan diriku sendiri kerana dapat menyelamatkan nyawa orang lain. Aku berasa bahawa budak perempuan itu lebih layak untuk hidup dari aku sendiri. Jadi, aku tidak akan menyesal dengan diri aku sendiri.

Friday, August 6, 2010


What is your hobby?
Watching movies.

What a
re your special skills?
English, Guitar

What is your favorite food?
White chocolate.

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite number?

What kind of pets do you own and what are their names?
Toy Poodle... Pablo.

What is your charm point?
My long-slitted eyes??

What's something that you don't like?
Haunted houses.

What is the scariest thing?
Ghosts, cockroaches.

Who is the person you respect the most?
My dad, John Frusciante, John Lenon.

What are your strong points and weak points?
Strong points When meeting with people.
Weak points My indecisiveness.

What careless habits do you have?
My lips would just suddenly form a smile.

What is your daily routine?
I drink 2 cupfuls of milk and do push-ups.

What is your ideal way to spend your day off?
Travel the world!

How did you spend your recent holiday?
Window shopping.

What can you boast about your room?
You'll get sleepy, it's calming.

What are you into right now?
Acoustic guitars.

What's the recent fashion item that you have bought?
Loafers. (For school)

What do you do to relieve yourself from stress?
I sing.

What country would you like to visit? What's your reason?
Malta Island (Italy) . . . The sea, it's beautiful.

What was your recent dream about?
I was playing Rugby at a meadow in England.

Where’s the place that you feel the most relieved?
At the sofa in our house.

What makes you feel happy?
When I wake up in a good mood.

What is your idea about Spring?
Cherry blossoms.

Right now, what would you like to study about or is there something that you'd like to learn?
The Korean language.(mampos dy na blajo korea lak...)

What is the thing you would like to try to challenge?
To write song lyrics, to compose a song.

Recently, what event deeply touched you?
The figure skating during the Olympics.

Please tell us JUMP's good points.
We are always in good terms with each other.

What are JUMP's weak points and what would they want to improve on?
The differences in opinions and how we could match them with one another.

What song by JUMP has been stuck on your head or have you been humming to yourself lately?
Hitomi no Screen.

Have enthusiasm for the Spring concert tour!
I want to put up a band. We'll have fun!(hah. salah satu tande hsj akn berpecah. aq akn menanti saat itu. muahahahaha!)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


as kuro and i was talking about us(me,kuro and yoshida) being yeah. i was checking my youtube account and i noticed that i got a warning or whatever it is called about people claiming my videos. and that people is none other than TV Asahi. yo dude. i'm doing those people out there a so called favor not to mention that it took me hours of waiting to post those videos. damn you non-considerate people! why don't you just die! nobody likes you! anyway.. atleast somebody made my day. thanks to dianna and kuro *applause*. and no thank to TV Asahi. you sucka bunch a pedophiles + perverts while dianna and i was talking about how hot keito is<--perverted mode: on. (favorite topic)

i almost drooled on this pic. dianna was like. "wow! so sexyyyy" and i couldn't agree more. first glance on this pic i was =___="" n a second later :/ then *smirk* and lastly i cant take it no more that i covered my mouth because i was blushing so hard >///< this <s>hot guy seems like he has less fans but honestly. i posted a vid about him and 1 day and 4 hours later, more than 3000 views. he made from pure hotness<--super perverted mode: on. i've been talking like a pervert since last year because of him. keito! i should sue you for being too hot and tie you to my bed so i can own you forever. okay now i sound like a creepy stalking horny perverted fangirl. before i start talking nonsense, imma gotta go. later!

bye~~ <

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Myojo May 2010

1. What is your hobby?
Music appreciation.

2. What is your special skill?
Soccer, I guess.

3. What is your nickname?
Non, Nonchan.

4. What is your favorite food and disliked food?
The ones I like are Sukiyaki and strawberries. What I don't like is natto!

5. What is your My Boom what you're currently into?
Long phone calls with my friends. One time I talked for more than 2 hours for 3 days!

6. What is your habit?
I make fun of stories & I believe in made-up stories right away.

7. How much do you mail in one day on average?
About 40 mails.

8. What is your favorite emoji?
:D I add "Ehehe" for some reason.

9. What goods did you buy recently that is your favorite?
A black jersey material jacket.

10. What was your breakfast today?
Cafe au lait, strawberry condensed milk, 3 bread rolls.

11. When you sleep what is your attire?
Black sweats from top to bottom.

12. I am actually a ________otaku
I'm a milk otaku for putting milk on various things.

13. When is a moment you think "I am cool
When I drink cafe au lait. Coffee has an image of an "adult's drink".

14. When is a moment you think "I am cute
When I get nervous, my face becomes red.

15. When is a moment you think "I am a Kansai person~"?
There are times I unconsciously interfere saying "Nandeyanen!" is a kansai way to say "nande!" which means "why!", and then I get taken aback.

Yuto's Q&A

What is your hobby?
Movie appreciation, horseback riding, photos

What are your special skills?
Drumming, tap dance, moonwalk

What is your favorite food?
Basashi raw horse meat, gizzard, chanja, tebasaki chicken wing, rebasashi raw liver, senmai sashi raw beef stomach

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite number?

Tell us what kind are your pets and their names.
Miniature daschund... Tamu, gecko... is at my house's garden, guppy, loach

What is your charm point?
My tear mole

What is the thing you don't like?
Shimeji type of mushroom

What is the scariest thing?

Who is the person you greatly respect?

Tell us your personality's strong and weak points.
Strong points ---> Cheerful, tall, always in high spirits
Weak points ---> Noisy, my expressions are reflected on my face immediately

What habit do you hold carelessly?
I chop the beats.

What do you for your daily routine?
I do a good deed each day.

What is your ideal way to spend your day off?
Riding on a swimming ring on the beach, swaying around.

What did you recently do on your day off?
Horseback riding and drumming

What is the thing that you can boast about in your room?
My electronic drums. I don't share a room with my little brother so it is also spacious.

What is your my boom, the thing you're into right now?
Horseback riding

What is the recent fashion item you have bought?
Cardigan, vest

When you are stressed, what do you do to resolve it?
I beat the drums with all my might

What is the country that you would like to go to? What is your reason?
Maldives... I want to swim there. Italy... because of the dry-cured ham. NY... I just want to go.

What was your recent dream about?
A lot of Rototoms were lined up.

Where is the best place to feel relieved?
The place that feels right is wherever.

What was that time when you felt happiness~
It was when I was eating green tea flavored sweets and Japanese sweets.

Speaking of spring, what do you think of?
Tsukushi or in English, horsetails (a type of plant)

For now, what is the thing that you would like to study and is there something you would like to learn?
Archery, English, Scuba

What is the thing you would like to try to challenge?
Making songs

Recently, what is the event that deeply touched you?
The movie "Oceans"

Please tell us a good thing about JUMP.
We are always lively~

What is the weak point of JUMP and what is the part they like to strengthen from now on?
There are times we are sharp-tounged.

Recently, what song of JUMP do unintentionally hum or that refrains in you head?

Have ethusiasm for the spring concert tour!
We might do a band again, so let's all have fun noisily!